
GED® Social Studies FAQ
29th September 2019
Namibia University accepts GEDⓇ Graduate
23rd January 2020

Where to study after GED®?

Many students are asking where other students are studying after GED®, so we have compiled a short list of where our students have been accepted recently. Of course there are many other institutions not mentioned here that may be willing to accept a GED® as well or you can study internationally as well! We suggest you contact the institution directly before doing your GED® to be sure of their requirements.

A GED® is more suited to tech and college, so if you wish to be assured of being accepted at university, please go to our sister site Cambricollege where you can study for  your International Cambridge exams. You can apply for a degree with a GED® if the institute will accept you for this and we can confirm that Boston has just announced they will accept GED students for degree studies depending on their GED scores.

Polytech has accepted a student for a Higher National Certificate in Mechatronics Engineering.

Eduvos has accepted a student for a BSc in Biomedicine recently. GED Graduates welcome to apply.

ASE emphasizes practical training to ensure you gain the skills necessary to excel in the music industry. GED Graduates welcome to apply

Stadio Higher Education accepts GED students for undergraduate degrees in Teaching and Law.

The Open University UK accepts GED students to do a degree with online studies.

SAE Intstitute has accepted a student with a SAQA letter to do Film and Sound Editing.

Academic Institute of Excellence has accepted one of our students with a GED to do Electrical Engineering. They offer Draughting, Business Studies, Visual Design, Architecture and more.

Hyperion Dev  Fantastic opportunity to become a full stack Web developer, software developer or Data Scientist- Short online bootcamps in partnership with Edinburgh university.  No SAQA letter is required to enroll.

Boston City Campus & Business College are accepting GED® graduates to study for a degree depending on their final GED® scores. They have confirmed that a GED® graduate can also apply to study a Higher Certificate or Diploma in one of their many specialisations as well, and that they do NOT require a letter of evaluation from SAQA anymore. This is great news for our GED® students!

Open Window are accepting students for certificates and undergraduate degrees ( depending on GED results ) in Visual Arts including photography, film and animation. etc

The South African Nursing Council, through discussions with Netcare Education, have confirmed that they will accept GED® graduates together with the SAQA Certificate of Evaluation to study nursing.

University of the People is a free online university internationally recognised. They welcome our GED® students and you can study for a bachelors degree there . Please see our blog on this option.

Eduvos recently accepted a student to do a Bachelors degree after he completed a Higher Certificate at Varsity College.

Helderberg College of Higher Education has offered our GED students options to study towards a degree in Psychology, Education, Accounting and Management etc.

Regent Business School  has recently accepted one of our students of mature age to study towards a BCom in Law.

UNISA has offered one of our students the opportunity to study for a degree after completing  NBTs ( some universities will and some will not accept GED plus NBTs) Each one needs to be approached individually and a letter from USAf needs to be obtained.

Pearson Institute  have confirmed that a GED® graduate can apply to study a Higher Certificate in one of their many specialisations, which is registered at NQF level 5 and after completing a Higher Certificate, can apply for an undergraduate Degree.

UCT has offered one of our students the opportunity to study for a degree after completing NBTs ( some universities will and some will not accept GED plus NBTs) Each one needs to be approached individually and a letter from USAf needs to be obtained.

Embury Institute for Higher Education has offered a degree in teaching for our GED® students with a SAQA certificate.

African Institute are interested in enrolling GED® students with a SAQA certificate for courses in Nursing and Health care.

AFDA is the School for the Creative Economy and has recently accepted two of our GED® students for a Bachelors degree.

Varsity College offers the Higher Certificate and are happy to accept our GED®students with a SAQA certificate. ECD courses available as well.

Sol-Tech has accepted our GED® student to study to be an electrician with a SAQA certificate.

SACAP   (the leading accredited institute specialising in Psychology) has accepted a student with a SAQA letter and NBTs plus the student did the SATs in addition for a BA degree. 

Two Oceans Graduate Institute in Cape town has accepted students for BA in Education with a GED® plus a SAQA certificate.

Lyceum College has accepted our GED® students with a SAQA letter.

MATA- Mega Aero Training Academy 

Beauty Therapy Institute has accepted a GED® student for a Level 3 Beauty Specialist course to become a certified therapist or a somatologist.

Denel Aviation

Academic Institute of Excellence for IT Business Visual Design Draughting Engineering Civil works etc

Beaulieu College for equestrian

Inscape College for Interior Fashion and Graphic Design etc and many other courses offered.

Getpix Creative College for Photography Video Makeup Tatoo Art Sound Engineering etc

Cornerstone are accepting students for business, media and education studies.

Northlink College for Engineering and Business Studies Finance Hospitality and Safety

Isa Carstens Academy  –  Health and Wellness Academy

AAA School of Advertising 

ETA College– Sport Fitness qualifications.

The Animation School

CTU College– Business, Design, IT etc

City Varsity School of Media and Creative Arts

Rosebank College– IT, Marketing, Graphic Design, Events, ECD

South African College of Business– Accounting, Tourism, Hospitality.

Boland College – Civil Engineering, Building Construction, Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Hospitality, Tourism, IT Agriculture, Security etc.

Vega Cape Town – Graphic Design, Fashion Design, Digital Marketing, Photography, Digital Marketing etc

“Just to let you know that 2 of my recent GED graduates have been accepted to study Bachelors degrees at AFDA in 2020. The one who is going to the Cape Town campus was required to complete an RPL and the one who will be studying at the Joburg campus was accepted just on the basis of his GED. “
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