Join the thousands of students studying from home during this time of Covid confinement. Some of our students have only just discovered the joys and benefits of studying from home, whilst others have always known about the best kept secret of home study.
What are the benefits of home schooling?
- Home schooling is flexible and you can study at your own pace. Students do not have to stick to the pace of a classroom and can finish their syllabus in a shorter period of time if they wish to. Students with learning difficulties do not have the pressure of keeping up with the class, and can do their work at their own pace.
- Studying from home means there will be no interruptions to your schooling schedule, despite problems that many other students may have due to school closure or road blockages. The home schooled child can study consistently from home enhancing productivity.
- Home study is considerably cheaper than regular schooling, and many parents are enjoying the benefits of saving money previously spent on high transportation costs and school fees.
- Students studying from home develop more self discipline, time management skills and motivation which will benefit them in life.
Enroll today for any one of our two online programs: Pass GED Academy for students over 16 or Cambricollege for students aged 13-16.