
Homeschooling and the GED®
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GED® Social Studies FAQ

FAQ about the Social Studies Test

Is the GED® Social Studies test hard?

The GED® Social Studies test isn’t hard if you’re prepared. Remember, the GED Social Studies test isn’t about memorization. No one will expect you to remember specific historical details. The GED® Social Studies test focuses more on understanding social studies concepts, using logic and reasoning, and drawing conclusions.

What kind of social studies is on the GED® test? What are the topics?

The GED® Social Studies test focuses on four content categories:

  • 50% Civics and Government
  • 20% U.S. History
  • 15% Economics
  • 15% Geography and the World

More importantly, it covers three broad skill topics:

  • Reading for Meaning in Social Studies
  • Analyzing Historical Events and Arguments in Social Studies
  • Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies

Each topic can be broken down into the following tasks:

Reading for Meaning in Social Studies

  • Determine and use main ideas and details in social studies readings.
  • Understand social studies vocabulary.
  • Identify how authors use language in social studies.
  • Determine fact from opinion.
  • Evaluate claims and evidence in social studies.

Analyzing Historical Events and Arguments

  • Make inferences based off of evidence in social studies readings.
  • Analyze the relationship between people, events, places, and processes described in a social studies reading.
  • Make judgements about an author’s point of view (e.g. what events shaped the point of view, whether or not the point of view is supported by evidence.)
  • Identifying bias and propaganda in social studies readings.

Using Numbers and Graphs in Social Studies

  • Use data presented in visual form, such as maps, charts, graphs, and tables.
  • Understand dependent and independent variables.
  • Recognize the difference between correlation and causation.
  • Use statistics in social studies (e.g. finding the mean, median, and mode.)

How long is the GED® social studies test?

The GED social studies test is 70 minutes long. The test has approximately 48 questions depending on which test you get. There are no breaks during the test.

How can I pass my social studies test?

Passing the test requires you to learn a number of skills. Since much of the GED® Social Studies test involves reading, you’ll want to start there. First study reading, then tackle the test once you’re better prepared.

If you haven’t enrolled yet on Pass GED Academy  then that is a good place to start- Everything you need to know about Social Studies is covered on our program. Enroll now and get prepared to write your Social Studies GED Exam.

Where can I take the GED® social studies practice test 2019?

A GED practice test is a good thing to take after you have completed studying on the program. It will give you some idea of what’s on the test and show you what you still need to work on.  You can take a GED® Ready  practice test here GED Social Studies Practice Test.


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