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12th February 2019

SAQA and the GEDⓇ in South Africa.

GED South Africa has just published this good news. We are grateful for all the hard work behind the scenes.

“Following the Umalusi Round Table Discussion in November 2018 where the GEDⓇ presented, we are excited to see positive progress resulting from the Discussion. The Minister of Higher Education and Training has released a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Amendment Bill. The amendments, among others, proposes to provide for the formulation of criteria for evaluating foreign qualifications. This means that SAQA, together with Umalusi, will investigate and formulate a process to potentially register the GED on the NQF. While this amendment bill could take a long time to come into effect, should everything go through, we are seeing this proposed amendment as a positive step for the future of the GED in South Africa.”

In the meantime * The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluates each submission of a foreign qualification on a case by case basis. The GED® is eligible for evaluation as a South African National Senior Certificate. For instructions on how to evaluate your GEDⓇ with SAQA please contact us after graduation. The process can take 3 weeks to a month at present. To enroll with Pass GED click here.
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