
Celebrity GED® Graduates
18th January 2019
SAQA and the GEDⓇ in South Africa.
11th February 2019

Never too late to Enroll

Did you know there is no closing date for accepting GED® students? You can enroll anytime of year with Pass GED Academy South Africa.

Exams to write the GED® exam are hosted all year round in over 43 test centres in South Africa alone and over 3000 locations internationally.

Enrolling for the GED® Academy  is easy and no prior grades are required- a minimum age of 17 years is required to write the GED® exams  and adults can enroll as well.

Study one subject at a time and write that GED® exam whilst fresh in your mind!

Contact us on info@passged.co.za for enrollment forms or free information about studying for the  GED® with Pass GED Academy South Africa.

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