Pass GED Academy provides a valuable solution for adults seeking to attain their Matric equivalent.
Many adults are seeking to study courses without Matric.
No need to be concerned if you are an adult and did not get your Matric.
This comprehensive program is tailored to help individuals successfully prepare for and pass the GED test.
Only R33oo for 12 months access on the program.
A GED is Matric alternative and you can start studying right away.
There is no need for adults to prove past grades.
All ages welcome. Enroll with us from age 16 onwards.
Cindy’s Story ….
In 2015, at the age of 52, I decided to further my studies to become a registered nurse. During my search I stumbled upon GED®. The structure of the programme is so interesting that I would study for hours on end. I qualified in August 2016 and my GED® diploma was evaluated by SAQA. In January 2017 I was employed as a staff nurse in a hospital nearby. My request to further my studies was granted in 2018 and I started my journey as a student in June that same year.. At the age of 57 the world is my oyster!